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5G Networks And Gaming

Usually developments within the online gaming industry drive it to the next level. But sometimes external technology advances can provide the impetus. One such development is in the offing. It is 5G. When online casinos first started the speeds were slower than slow. Small 40 megabyte files took 12 hours to download. There was no question of  scr888 slot game download instant play or mobile gaming. The communication world has moved to 2G, 3G, and 4G. This has enabled the play of slots and live dealer games on mobile devices. It is all but certain that 5G will be launched sometime in 2019. The network will probably launch first in Canada. Word has it that Toronto and downtown Vancouver will be the first to get a taste of 5G. 5G will be 20 times faster than 4G. The main advantage will come in non-gaming applications like laying the groundwork for future technologies of self-driving vehicles, smart cities, and true smart homes. This is because it will take far less time for wireless
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Pussy Cat, Where Have You Been? Tips to Litter Training Your Cat

If you have a new (or even not-so-new) kitty, litter box training matters to you. The good news is that cats are fastidious creatures with an instinctive urge to cover their feces with sand or dirt. The bad news is that without a little guidance, your kitten may instinctively relieve herself in your potted plants or flower garden (and play ring-around-the-rosie.) Here are eight tips to keep kitty poop in its proper place: 1. Hush little kitty, don't you cry! Cats like a quiet, relatively private place for their litter box, away from the bustle and rush of an entry way or high traffic area. Ideally, the box should be away from the cat's feeding and sleeping areas. 2. A rose by any other name... still smells. When choosing kitty litter, avoid heavily scented ones. Your cat may not prefer the aroma, which could deter his frequenting of the box. Clumping kitty litter makes your job easier and helps you keep the area clean, which brings us to the next suggestion. 3. Clean,